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Issue #59 - "Frogs, Princes, Kings and Queens" by Éric L Farrell - July 2007

This poem was originally written as an Instant Message / conversation with a female friend of mine who was experiencing the seemingly common problem of meeting guys who were just too wrong to be right. You may find that many areas of this poem apply to your life or someone you know. Prayerfully, this will provide some encouragement along your journey. If nothing else, it serves as a good reminder for us all to avoid getting tangled up in situations like this in the future, although we may deal with loneliness and frustration when it comes to our relationships or lack thereof.


Tricked you into settling for second best
Had you thinking you were The other woman
When really, you were just another woman...
just one out of many.
This guy is a married man, which means he already has plenty...
of what he needs right at home
He got up inside your dome... When you shouldn't have even been thinkin' bout him
You get sad and start drinkin' bout him.
But not really about him... but about the whole caldron of men.
You got together with you and your girlfriends...
Started talkin' bout how the world should end... for men
Cause "girl, it ain't none good out there"
You throw your hands up in despair
But this is just what You declare
It's not reality...
You just lost faith in that prayer

Uh huh, you ain't think I knew about that
You don't know what to do about that, do you?
It's alright. You'll be alright.
You just let the wrong guy get through to you...
But there's no need to lock up your world
or start checkin out your girl
Cause that ain't the answer either
And you ain't stupid either, but you already know that, soldier

Recognize that there's no boulder, that's too hard to move for God
Yes you're growing older, but hold your hand and don't fold your cards
Just throw down your spades, miss lady.
Keep a handful of hearts
Cause love is really the answer.
And what you thought was love, was really cancer
But you're starting to recognize the difference
and you'll look like a praise dancer... when you get it
Get it? Stop kissing things that go "ribbit"
Cause that was just a fairy tale
Real princes don't come from frogs
Real men don't come from dogs,
and you can't change them into that
You can't bring them into that if their own mother couldn't do it
He's not your job, punch out on the clock, and stop trying to prove it... can work

A different story if that's your husband though
You gotta show him love for sho'
I mean "for sure" not just for show, and not for monetary dough
If circumstance gets super drastic, then maybe you can let him go (God willing)
But just because he's not fantastic, ain't enough to hit the road
This is husband though I'm talkin bout.
But live-in boyfriends get put out
Ya feel me?
Tell yourself "it ain't gone kill me to be alone for a little while...
If that's what I need to do right now..."
Maybe next time when you turn around,
you'll find yourself on fertile ground you cultivated and aerated
Here love grows, sunshine or shaded.
And testify of "how we made it" 40 years later...

read important scriptures below

copyrighted © 2007 Éric L Farrell | www.ewcollaborations.com


Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before
swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Romans 13:14
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

1 Corinthians 7:1-2, 10-11
1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. ...
10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

  • Matthew 7:7
  • James 4:2-7
  • 1 John 5:15
  • Romans 8:28
  • VOCABULARY from poem:

    aerated - supplied with air; (in gardening) a step taken to prepare fertile ground;

    bout – about

    caldron (or cauldron) – a large kettle or boiler.

    dome – head

    fold (don’t fold your cards) – to acknowledge defeat by withdrawing (one's cards) from play in a card game; to surrender or give up

    hearts – one of four suites of playing cards marked by a red heartshaped symbol; hearts also typically symbolize love or the ability to love.

    spades – one of the four suites of playing cards marked by a black spearhead symbol, which in the game of "Spades" is generally held to play as trump cards nearing the end of the game; a spade is also a tool used for digging or cutting (literally), but it also used as a metaphor.

    VOCABULARY from scripture:

    flesh – bodily pleasure or physical nature of human beings (as opposed to spiritual);

    fornication – sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other;

    provision – preparation; the act or process of providing; the fact or state of being prepared beforehand;

    put away – divorce;

    rend – to roughly tear apart (physically or mentally and emotionally);

    swine – mammals in the family of pigs or wild boars; used in Matthew 7:6 as a metaphor for ignorant people who do not value the worth of what you have to offer;

    thereof – of it; pertaining to it;

    whereof – of which;

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     An Abandoned Woman:
    Found by God
    (a memoir)
     by Charese Nicole
     on sale (20% OFF today) at www.emaculatebooks.com
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     inspirational poetry
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